Logo Robotika.SK Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology  Logo Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University 

Názov tímu: Rythm

O tíme: Wir sind drei Schüler, welche das Tgm besuchen. Wir gehen alle drei in dieselbe Klasse und gehen in die Abteilung Elektronik und Technische Informatik. Außerdem interessieren wir uns für Roboter und haben uns deshalb für die Roboter Liga angemeldet.

Open league

Zadanie: Stojaté vlny

The photos and the program are shown in the video. The team consists of 3 boys age 14-15

Felix Christiani

Phillip Schuecker

Oliver Schmalzbauer





    1. This task is for 1,1 point. It misses a description about how the robot works/ result of the task. There are no photos and program downloaded. The video is very nice because there is everything about result of the task.

    2. Clever machine and nice standing waves. We are missing the photos (important for construction overview) and the program itself. Now it was ok, but for more complicated programs it is difficult to check the program in the video. And for the future, please add more experiments on the video - did you encounter different waves for different speeds? Did you test different speeds?

    3. Beautiful solution! In the video I see the standing waves. Have you tried changing the engine speed? Have you tried changing the length of the rope? It would be good to describe such results in the solution description :)
    Some tips for next solutions.
    1. Try to describe the solution in detail. Describe the construction, the program, the problems you had to overcome, and so on.
    2. Please also upload the program and not just put the printscreen into the video :)
    Great solution and I look forward to your next league solution! Good luck :)

    4. Hello. Nice work. The amplitude of the pulses of your wave generator is a bit high and thus disrupts the wave propagation thus not allowing the standing waves to form. We will appreciate if you could select and upload pictures and programs directly as pictures and programs and use the video for demonstration of the working prototype in different situations only. Keep it up, we look forward to your future submissions!