Logo Robotika.SK Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology  Logo Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University 

Welcome to the Robot League!


Do you like to build and program LEGO robots? Join the Robot League!

News: a category for simulants :-)

In order to give the possibility to participate also to those who do not own a robotics set, we added a new "simulants" category. You will be solving the tasks using the Open Roberta Lab, lab.open-roberta.org. This programming environment can be used to program real robots, but it also contains a simulator. In solutions to the tasks in this league, please use some version of the EV3 set (for example EV3 Dev). We recommend you to first go through all the tutorials that can also be tried on our local server, robotika.sk/roba. If you prefer to run your own server with tutorials, look here robotika.sk/roberta. If you have any questions regarding this category, please let us know!


How do we rate?

Your solutions will be precisely analysed by these 5 people: Karolína - assistant professor at FMFI UK, Miška from FMFI UK who helped us in organizing FLL, Jozef - who was a leader of Fablab Bratislava for many years, Palo from FMFI UK and Rišo - teacher at FEI STU, the contest is coordinated by Pavel Petrovič - a teacher from FMFI UK:

Every one of them will independently assign 0-3 points, depending on the originality and completeness of the solution (it contains pictures, a video, a program, a good description and the robot is doing what he should be doing). The arithmetic mean of their ratings will be added to the table.

Note: The Robot League is not a direct part of another competition, but it can be useful as a pre-competition training brought by Robotika.SK, FMFI UK, FEI STU, and CVTI SR. RL is a part of the project Robocoop financed by the EU project Interreg.